Take a Bushcraft Course to Learn Survival Skills in the Wilderness

Learn wilderness survival skills from one of the UK’s most established bushcraft schools. This intensive week of immersive training will prepare you and challenge you in equal measure.

Learn how to live off the land sustainably and with a minimum of dependence on modern gear and technology. A full spectrum of core bushcraft skills are taught on this course, including.

Study of Nature

A key part of bushcraft is learning about the flora and fauna around you. Through activities such as orienteering, animal tracking and identification of edible plants, bushcrafters develop a heightened consciousness of their environment. This translates into self-reliance in wilderness situations, and a deep respect for the natural world.

By understanding a tree’s shape, the way it moves in the wind and the best time to harvest, a skilled bushcrafter becomes a steward of nature. They know that trees are not just for shelter and firewood, but also for tanning hides and wood carving.

Studying nature can lead to a broader understanding of other subjects. A recent report by the nonprofit Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) found that hands-on learning boosts student engagement in subjects such as biology, zoology and chemistry. This is because learning about the natural world helps people to connect with it and understand how they fit into the ecosystem.


Whether you’re camping in the wilderness or facing an emergency, knowing survival basics and bushcraft skills empowers you to be less dependent on outside resources and more capable of caring for yourself. These skills can include building shelter, sourcing food and water, identifying edible plants, trapping game, tree tapping, and gardening.

Fire-building is a vital skill in bushcraft, as it can be used for cooking and staying warm. Additionally, it’s important to know how to purify water in the wild, as this can be a lifesaver in emergency situations.

Many bushcraft courses also teach the importance of respecting the wilderness and encourage responsible outdoor practices, such as leaving natural resources untouched and minimizing impact on wildlife. The ability to survive and thrive in the wilderness provides security, self-reliance, and a profound connection to nature. It’s time to rediscover your primal instincts and learn the art of wilderness living!


The ability to light and sustain a fire is essential for survival in the wild. It provides warmth, light and the means to cook food. It can also be used to purify water. For these reasons, the skill of fire lighting is a cornerstone of bushcraft courses.

There are several methods for fire lighting and bushcraft courses will often focus on the flint and steel method. A good fire starting kit includes a flint and steel, some dry tinder and various types of wood shavings.

During the course, students will be taught how to find and gather these materials. They will then learn how to create and maintain a fire in a range of habitats, under various weather conditions. The course will end with a wilderness camp and the opportunity to test their new skills. This is a valuable experience and will give people a real sense of self-sufficiency in the wild. It will also help them develop a more positive relationship with nature.


Cooking is a crucial part of the bushcraft course as it provides warmth and food. It also allows you to purify water which is an important consideration as more than two-thirds of the world’s available freshwater is unsafe to drink.

This is an essential skill to learn, especially for people planning long wilderness trips. In order to ensure safety, it is best to seek out training from qualified instructors. A NCFE CQ Bushcraft qualification can provide a structured understanding of wilderness living skills, increasing confidence in handling unforeseen situations during an expedition.

A week-long bushcraft course offers an immersive learning experience. It teaches survival and wilderness living skills, like safe knife use, plant identification, trapping and shelter construction. It also covers other aspects of outdoor adventure, like orienteering and navigation. It’s a fun and rewarding way to spend time in the wild. A weekend bushcraft course also offers valuable experience in a short space of time.