The Basics of Business Video Production

Video has become one of the most effective ways to communicate with your audience. Whether you’re looking to share a company overview, product demo, customer testimonial, or something more creative and whimsical like a TikTok-style clip, Business video production is a cost-effective way to build brand awareness, showcase your organization, and generate new leads.

The first step in the process is to determine why you’re making a business video and who your target audience is. You’ll also want to consider your budget and timeline. It’s important to be realistic with both and set clear goals to ensure your video production project stays on track.

Once you have a clear idea of the type of video you’re creating, the next stage is to plan and create your script and storyboard. A good script will tell a compelling story that is clear, concise, and easily understood by your audience. It will also help you determine what kind of equipment is necessary for the shoot. For example, you might need a drone to capture aerial footage, audio equipment such as a boom or lav mic, and various lighting for different scenarios. If you’re using a professional production agency, they will handle all of this for you, but renting or buying the necessary gear can add up quickly.

Casting is the next step and this will vary based on what kind of video you’re creating. You may need to hire a voice-over expert or actor, or you may be able to use your own employees who are comfortable in front of the camera. Regardless, make sure you find people who are the right fit for your message and who will be a natural on-screen presence.

When you’re ready to start shooting, be sure to capture plenty of B-roll footage. This is supplemental footage that can be used in the editing process to enhance your video and make it more interesting. For example, a close-up of your on-screen talent’s hands or an alternate angle of the scene can give viewers a more visual representation of what you’re trying to communicate.

After the shoot is complete, you’ll need to edit and finalize your video. This is the most time-consuming and intricate part of the process. It’s important to take the time to review each shot and make any adjustments needed to improve the final product. Adding a strong call-to-action at the end of your video is essential to encourage your audience to take action after watching, such as visit your website or contact a sales rep.

Once your video is complete, it’s important to optimize for social media and other platforms where your content will be shared. This includes ensuring the video is properly tagged and has relevant keywords, as well as setting up closed captioning and generating custom thumbnails. Finally, don’t forget to promote your video and measure its performance by assessing analytics on a regular basis. This will help you understand which types of videos resonate with your audience, allowing you to produce more of the same.

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Tetra Films
Phone: (604) 562-0499
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1511 Salsbury Dr
Vancouver, BC V5L 4B7