From Dust to Decency: Office Cleaning Best Practices

Cleaning supplies like brooms, dustpans, soap, window cleaner and disinfectant wipes should be easily accessible. This ensures that if anyone makes a mess they can quickly clean it up.

Sweeping and vacuuming removes dirt from office floors and furniture. It also removes odors from refrigerator shelves and trash cans.

Common Areas

The office is more than just a place for professional endeavors; it’s a second home for many employees and a hotbed of germs and bacteria. Cleaning and disinfecting high-touch areas and surfaces regularly can help prevent the spread of illness. This includes restrooms, where disinfecting high-touch surfaces such as door handles and faucets reduces the spread of germs. Likewise, it’s important to clean and disinfect appliances like refrigerators and microwaves. Additionally, emptying and refilling trash receptacles can reduce unpleasant odors.

With all the hustle and bustle of an office setting, it can be easy for areas to get overlooked between professional cleanings. Creating and following a detailed cleaning schedule can keep these spaces in top condition. By establishing a comprehensive checklist, your business can ensure no space goes neglected, and promote a healthy, clean environment for everyone. Keeping these common areas tidy and organized helps create an inviting atmosphere for employees, and boosts productivity. The cleanliness of the office also makes a good impression on visitors.


The germs you touch on your commute to work and in the restroom can easily spread to your desk, keyboard and other office equipment. Unless you’re washing your hands regularly and frequently, these frequent-touch hot spots can carry bacteria and viruses to your workstation and then to those you interact with throughout the day.

To do office cleaning at a workstation, start by emptying the desk drawers and discarding trash. Next, remove framed pictures, personal mementos and other clutter from the desktop surface. Sweep off the surface and then wipe it down with disinfectant wipes. Be sure to follow the cleaning product manufacturer’s instructions since different products can damage various materials.

If your desk is wood, consider using a cleaner that’s designed for this material to avoid discoloration. Otherwise, use a general-purpose wood or laminate cleaner with a soft cloth. Then, move on to items that are more likely to be touched regularly – such as pens, staplers and tape dispensers – making sure to wipe each of the surfaces and sides.

Waiting Room

Large waiting rooms of hospitals or health care clinics can be a hotbed of germs. Many medical offices request patients with colds or allergies wear masks while they wait and provide anti-viral hand gel. Others even separate sick and well waiting areas to reduce the spread of disease.

Overhead lighting fixtures may be hard to reach, but it’s important to dust them regularly. It’s also a good idea to dust any books or magazines in your waiting room. Keeping these items neat will make the room look cleaner and more inviting.

Having a variety of toys for kids can help them stay entertained while they wait. However, be sure the toys you choose have surfaces that are easy to wipe down, which will cut down on cleaning time for your staff. Hand sanitizer is another way to cut down on the spread of germs. It’s important to have this available in several places within the waiting area, along with visible signs urging people to use it.


Restrooms are a prime place for germs to spread. They can also send a message about how much pride a company takes in its employees and customers. A clean, well-stocked restroom leaves a positive impression while a dirty one reflects poorly.

Start with emptying all trash receptacles and collecting any trash that’s been left behind on the floor for proper disposal. Check every stall for toilet paper, hand soap, and sanitizer and restock accordingly. Consider adding touch-free fittings like faucets and hand dryers to reduce the spread of germs.

Wipe down all sinks, fixtures, and surfaces, including mirrors, with a disinfectant solution. Be sure to wipe down any metal areas like drains and taps as well. If needed, add an odor-control product to keep restrooms fresh and smelling great. Finally, mop the bathroom floor using a disinfectant solution paying special attention to corners and around urinals and toilets. Be sure to use separate mops and buckets for restroom and common areas to prevent cross-contamination.

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